Global Green Leader Program

Fostering cross-sectoral innovation and international collaboration among green technicians.

Global Green Leader Program

We are pleased to launch our groundbreaking internship initiative designed to foster cross-sectoral innovation and international collaboration among young green technicians. The Global Green Leader program unites talented individuals from diverse academic backgrounds to work collectively on cutting-edge solutions within the nexus of food, energy, and water.

The program requires a multidisciplinary approach and that selected participants think laterally to solve challenging socio-environmental issues set by By creating a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and cooperation, we aim to drive progress in the realms of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Through this program, we empower young professionals to become 21st-century leaders in green IT, business, AI, and data science. The three month program combines future skills development with skills in:

  • project management
  • team management
  • innovation management
  • time management
  • resource management
  • business development
  • marketing and outreach

The Global Green Leader program offers unique opportunities for participants to engage in hands-on projects, research initiatives, and international partnerships. By working together on innovative solutions, our participants develop a global perspective, strengthen their problem-solving abilities, and cultivate a network of like-minded individuals who share a common passion for sustainability.

If you would like to join us on this transformative journey and become part of a community dedicated to shaping a sustainable future, please contact us with your CV. The three months program is structured as a voluntary internship. We accept applications from those studying and willing to gain experience in communications, supply chain management, AI, data science, software development, business development and sustainability fields. 

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2 responses to “Global Green Leader Program”

  1. I am studying master degree agri-food sustainability in pavia university and I’m looking for the erasmus internship for my thesis and my project and I will be happy to get an opportunity to participate in your team

    • Thank you for the outreach. You can contact us via the contact form or via Linkedin. We offer remote internships to people all around the world and welcome candidates with coding, AI, data and business development training. You don’t need to be attending a university or have a formal degree completed if you can clearly demonstrate understanding and prior contributions in a sector linked to the energy, water and food nexus.

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