Our service spectrum is designed to source, upskill and integrate international green technicians with partnering green energy firms.
On behalf of cluster partners, we search for and screen potential green technicians able to power the German energy transition.
We work with experienced trainers and partner companies to carry out upskilling programs to integrate international green technicians.
Our service begins prior to the first interview with professional fluency preparation and continues post-hire to support long-term retention.
A company’s staffing requirements can be as individual as a green technician’s experience and training. That’s why we take care to match green technicians with our growing network of green energy firms based on a careful assessment of current needs versus existing skills. We service all points of the energy supply chain, from production to warehouse despatch, installation to repair. Our international reach with partner institutes allows cluster partners to strategically plan for new staff intakes 12 months in advance risk free. Contact us to arrange a video call to discuss your staffing requirements.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a feugiat purus. Duis turpis nunc aliquam id nunc acconvallis dictum nisi. Curab itur vehicula tincidunt sapien velcac. Donec diam augue consequat sit amet metus acbibendum mattis massa. Duis mollis ligula pretium consequat aliquet nibh purus fermentu consequatmi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a feugiat purus. Duis turpis nunc aliquam id nunc acconvallis dictum nisi. Curab itur vehicula tincidunt sapien velcac. Donec diam augue consequat sit amet metus acbibendum mattis massa. Duis mollis ligula pretium consequat aliquet nibh purus fermentu consequatmi.
We consider green technicians and green energy partners our clients. Here we provide a few answers to their frequently asked questions.
Planet decarbonising technicians with mechanical, electrical or automisation backgrounds interested in working in green energy fields such as offshore and onshore wind, solar, hydrogen and geothermal. It can also include energy managers and specialists working at the nexus of food, energy and water.
We support remote training based on company’s requirements and the green technician’s existing skill set. For technicians, this may include professional fluency and communication training in German, intercultural communication training and, going forward, industry and cross-sectional awareness training to develop project- and sustainable management skills. In partnership with training providers and experts, we also offer upskilling opportunities for partner companies who need their staff to meet specific safety requirements, or for the purposes of retention. Partner services can include EuP, Efft, GWO and further industry-specific qualifications.
Pre-partner-interview: Applicants with less that a CEF B1.2 level of German may receive professional proficiency language training and other industry awareness workshops as a paid service with greentech.training as part of pre-interview preparation. This is offered on a case-by-case, invite only basis and non-obligatory to be included in our pool of green technicians.
Post-partner-interview: Partner companies can opt to cover upskilling expenses via pay-it-forward models where the candidate may be required to reimburse training costs as part of their salary. If applicable and possible, Bildungsgutschein may also be used for this purpose.
I hereby give my consent for greentech.training to upload, store and archive my personal data and application documents in its green technician database for the purposes of finding me work. This may include any introductory videos I record for this purpose.
I have been informed that my inclusion in greentech.training’s database is also for the purpose of being able to find and contact me again in the event of any vacancy procedures, should I be considered as a candidate on the basis of the data, videos and documents provided.
I hereby agree that greentech.training may share my data or videos to third parties not affiliated with greentech.training for the purposes of finding me work.
I am aware that my data may be stored for a period of one year.
I have the right to be informed about the data stored concerning me and furthermore the right to have incorrect data corrected, blocked and deleted.
I am aware that I am responsible for the accuracy of my data.
greentech.training expressly points out that its employees are obliged to observe data secrecy.
greentech.training uses both technical and organizational security measures to protect data from manipulation, loss, destruction or even unauthorized access, and reviews its security measures in line with technological developments.
I can revoke this declaration of consent at any time without giving reasons by sending a message to: info@greentech.training
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a feugiat purus. Duis turpis nunc aliquam id nunc acconvallis dictum nisi. Curab itur vehicula tincidunt sapien velcac. Donec diam augue consequat sit amet metus acbibendum mattis massa. Duis mollis ligula pretium consequat aliquet nibh purus fermentu consequatmi.