Green Energy Career Day Kickoff Location

Green Energy Career Day Kickoff Location

A revealing insight into the location selected for the first Green Energy Career Day

🌍 Exploring the Venue: BE-U Behrens Ufer

As we prepare for the inaugural Green Energy Career Day on October 25th, we’re highlighting our unique venue: BE-U Behrens-Ufer. This historic Berlin site is currently being transformed into an urban showcase for sustainable development, blending life sciences, technology, and innovative commercial spaces.

Our event will take place in the Peter-Behrens Bau, a significant piece of Berlin’s industrial heritage completed in 1924—exactly 100 years ago. This landmark was once the tallest building in Germany and played a key role in the country’s early automotive production.

We’ll be holding the workshops in the beautiful Aman-Ullah Saal, named after King Amanullah Khan of Afghanistan, a reformist leader who visited Berlin in the 1920s. Amanullah’s mission was rooted in fostering mutual respect and understanding across cultures—a vision that resonates with the Green Energy Career Day’s cross-sectoral and cross-national purpose.

We look forward to welcoming our corporate guests to this forward-looking space on October 25.

Learn more about BE-U:

Tags :
berlin,careers,future of work,green energy career day 2024,green skills,human development,jobs
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