2023 Global Green Leader Program concludes

thanks to all those who've helped shape an ecological future with AI

We’re happy to announce the conclusion of the first Global Green Leader Program. Over the summer and early autumn, six Integrated Intelligence Cells worked on socio-environmental solutions within six interdisciplinary teams from six different countries. The teams were task to collaborate across borders to develop innovative socio-environmental solutions, leveraging AI, data, software, and business development strategies in the process.

Special thanks goes to Antonina Berkivska from Tel-Ran and Salah Bousbia from ESPRIT in Tunisia for their invaluable assistance in assembling talented individuals eager to expand their experience in the green IT sector. Their contributions were instrumental in the program’s success. Additionally, deep thanks goes to program managers Arminé Magumian and Armen Bakir for their efforts in managing cell organization and facilitating intercellular development. Their dedication played a pivotal role in making this program a reality.

A special commendation goes out to all the future green leaders who participated. Building something of value remotely is no easy task, and each team was confronted with challenges typical to the world of remote work. Despite these difficulties, this initiative could never have taken shape without a shared desire to do something for the planet held by a global group of dedicated individuals. Leadership is challenging, but with a willingness to take it on for the sake of a cleaner future is something to be proud of.

We wish all future green leaders continued success in their careers.

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#EnvironmentalResponsibility,Artificial Inteligence,Data Science internship,globalgreenleaders
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